torsdag 10 december 2015

Module 5 week 2

The assignment for this week is to upon the concepts from two of the videos from this module and how they can be useed in my organization.
I have used video one with Steve Walton, Services Marketing, and video two with Maria Åkesson, Resource integration.

Video one,Services Marketing:

In my organixation it´s important to work with all three of the elements of physical evidence: facility exterior, facility interior and other tangibles. 

Since we are working with design and trends the exterior and interior are very important, it needs to be good and follow the style of the company in order to be a part of the brand. Our shops must have some elements and similar parts so that the customers instinctly gets the feeling of the brand. 

For the motivation of the staff I think it´s important that offices and other tangibles is highly important! When the working-environment is something speciel, it gives you that little extra good feeling. 

For other stakeholders, such as retailers I think´s importat that layout of webside, brochyres to use in their shops and the little things around the products are very important for the impression of the brand. It gives that extra glow to good products!

Video two Resource integration:

"Resources is only potential resources until we use them" (Maria Åkesson)

In my organisation we have enormous potential, but do we do the best we can with what we have? I don´t think so. Our shops are good looking and the style is right for the brand. 
My suggestion for improvement applies for the stuff. The  make them aware of the possibilities that we have and use them. I think we can improve many things in the company by just being aware of how much impact every little piece in the servicescape has on our customers. 
Awerness it´s like a map of new trails and areas to discover. So exiting!

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