fredag 27 november 2015

Module 4


Last week with this module and I´m working on the last things about my assignment about interaction in customer service, non face to face interaction.
It has been a small challenge to evaluate my own work and look at it in new ways, but very instructive and good for my personal development. I think this assignment has made me more aware of what I do and how the customers experience it. 

We communicate with our customers by phone and e-mail. There are some differences there since one is audio and the other are written communication. When talking in th ephone the voice is the most important thing I think. If you say the right things with a angry tone no one will think you have god service, even if you said the right facts. 
When e-mailing with a customer clarity is the most important thing since when you can´t read the other persons voice, there are a greater risk for missunderstandings. 

Talk to you more in the webinar!


onsdag 11 november 2015

Module 4 Week 2

Hi everyone!

The assignment for this week is to reflect on concepts from the videos related to my organisation. 

I have choosen to use the first video interactions in service encounters with Per Echeverri for analysing the organizatin I´m working in. 

As I written about before, we have severals shops in Sweden where stuff from our organization meets customers every day. It´s interesting to study whats happens in the meeting between these two and the different social roles they are taking without thinking much about it. 
Can we by being aware of this, improve our relations to the customers and fulfill their expectations?
Yes I think we can. Knowledge about our self is a tool for development and progress. 

My thought is that we can, by being aware, give the staff the knowledge and support they need to perform as good as possible in the role as salesperson in the store.
We do have good staff, but we can always be better, aim for higher goals and give a little bit better service. It all depends on the resources giving to the staff to do their job, good resources increases the changes of good results! 

torsdag 5 november 2015

Module 4 Week 1

Hello everyone!

New week and new module!
I will write some about my expectations for this module and the benefits of it for my organization. 

I hope to be more aware about how I and my colleagues act infront of customers, and how we can improve our actions in order to get the customers a better experience from visting any of our stores. 
Being aware of what can be improved gives us something to work with. Nobody is perfect, we can always work with our selfs and become a little bit better than before. 
Aiming for best possible service for our customers requiers us to constantly look at our own behaviour. Not negativly and disparaging but with a positiv setting on change and development. 

Se you next week in webinars!